1:35;56 – Eddie from the Wool Gathering!! Chad from The Incredible True Facts of Space!! Frank from Nutley!! Another awesome collaboratorium of ideas and thoughts!!
Released March 2022 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
Released March 2022 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
Released March 2022 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
4:35:53 – A HUGE and amazing episode!! Doc Sleaze!! Mike Boody and his neighbor, Dave!! Eddie from the Wool Gathering!! Chad of TITFOS!! Frank Edward Nora!! Over 4 hours of quality Entertainium!! PQ Ribber is your host and interjector!
Released March 2022 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
Released February 2022 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
Released February 2022 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
1:03:37 – Familiar Foreign Bodies presents the long-awaited ‘Qualities of a Tolteca Sorcerer 6’!! The third phase of our tribute to Henry Morgan features a 1987 appearance on the Steve Allen radio show!! Entertainium prevails!!
Released February 2022 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
58:55 – The first phase of an examination of pop culture legend, Henry Morgan!! New music and a classic Phydeaux III cover of a Nirvana tune!! YouTube drivelene, supreme and othe assorted chatter!!
Released February 2022 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
Overall attribution by PQ Ribber , all other hosts appear courtesy of themselves.Released September 2020 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and fascinating hosts presenting  an array of talk-driven programs that are inspired by the Magic of the Human Voice!
2:10:24 -Â Chad Bowers contributes a late, but significant look at last week’s 1979 topic, then Frank Edward Nora and Doc Sleaze address Phenomena in their unique ways!! A collaborative triumph, with host, PQ Ribber!!
Next: Show of Shows!!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Attribution by PQÂ Ribber. All guests appear courtesy of themselves.
Released July 2019 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and clever hosts presenting unique programs, historic archival material, and nocturnal audio.