The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Rampler #3 (8/14/08)

The Rampler #3 (8/14/08) (41:56 / 38.5 MB)

Show Notes:

Our Man, Nora, continues to settle into the looser format. He reviews the two previous ‘test’ shows as he wanders through a post-thunderstorm Times Square. He announces the decision to name this series ‘The Rampler’ with lengthy exposition on the thought process, coincidences that led to this decision. Decides 20-90 is the ideal new setting. Has put an old, ‘retro’ logo on the Overnightscape site. A crazy hassidic says ‘Leaves Without Aphids(?)’. Frank uses his cigar holder to visit Sam Ash and play synthesizors and the Hershey Store. He, as he often ponders, wonders if he should just do one program and call it all The Overnightscape. Motor Excursion Ruffians.

You can help! Go to The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 1:53 pm filed in rampler  

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