The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Midnight Citizen 129 — “Third Place” (7/25/15)

citizen1291:23:43 – Join Mike in the studio late at night, exploring all things about the great American movie theater. Topics include: Jason and the keeled-over, barfing drunk guy at opening night of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake (2003); first time going to the movies alone when I was in the fifth grade; first job memories of working at the Colonnade movie theater in 1998; thinking about the experience surrounding the movies — bookstores, ambling, what happens after the movie’s over; the smells, the snack bar, and everything sensory; just found out about the shootings in a movie theater in Louisiana RIGHT before I started the show, and; much more!

Music for this episode is from the New Midnight Cassette System by Frank Edward Nora (Creative Commons License 1.0 Universal).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike United States License. Attribution by Mike Boody. Released July 2015, on The Overnightscape Underground and The Midnight Citizen.
posted by Mike at 7:37 pm filed in Jul15,Mike  

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