50:55 – Another Opening Another Show/Under the Boardwalk (field recording of show choir from Shambles Constant’s high school variety show, 5/4/91), Vic and Sade: Sade Muses on Her Friendship With Mrs. Scott (1/9/40), Tony Clifton on Letterman (2/18/82) (from YouTube), Think of Me (Stark Effect, Attribution NC), Jean Shepherd: Hippo (11/24/67). FCC 064.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Attribution: by Shambles Constant, Falling Cow Productions – more info at onsug.com Released December 2021 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with a plethora of diverse and fascinating hosts and a myriad of exciting programs.
posted by Shambles at 7:59 pm filed in Dec21,Shambles
41:13 – Paramount Is On The Air – College Rhythm (1934), Euphoria (Oneiro, Attribution NC ND 3.0), Traveling to Chicago (Snot Patties, Attribution 3.0 U.S.), Severn Suzuki (pandoras.box, Attribution NC ND 3.0), Let’s Murder! (field recording from 5/19/20), Festival of the Kappas (Sypha Nadon, Attribution NC ND 4.0 International), Waiting for ELO (Autoclamp, Attribution NC SA 3.0). FCC 063.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Attribution: by Shambles Constant, Falling Cow Productions – more info at onsug.com Released November 2021 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with a plethora of diverse and fascinating hosts and a myriad of exciting programs.
posted by Shambles at 8:26 pm filed in Nov21,Shambles
29:14 – The Voice of the Valley jingle (early 1970s I believe) (collection), Tech No Gamberetto (Stereograms, Attribution NC ND 3.0 Italy), Jean Shepherd: World’s Fair (existing footage) (8/20/1963), F. Chopin – Waltz In A Flat Major, Op. 69 No. 1 (Luke Faulkner, public domain), Rubenerd Show 142: The Channel 10 reality television sucks episode (Ruben Schade, Attribution NC ND 3.0), WNHV Sign Off (6/1/1991) (collection). FCC 062.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Attribution: by Shambles Constant, Falling Cow Productions – more info at onsug.com Released June 2021 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with a plethora of diverse and fascinating hosts and a myriad of exciting programs.
posted by Shambles at 10:10 am filed in Jun21,Shambles
2:38:01 – Saturday morning walk, weird headspace, places opening up, Jimbo got people involved, searching for a bathroom, weird dream generator, song that never ends and secret word, virus cases declining, fun run, movie review – The Map of Tiny Perfect Things, theatre performed in person, sitcoms set in the workplace, audio of techies getting sound equipment ready and actors doing mic checks, sunburn. M8D 002. Recorded 5/20/21 through 5/23/21.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Attribution: by Shambles Constant, Falling Cow Productions – more info at onsug.com Released May 2021 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with a plethora of diverse and fascinating hosts and a myriad of exciting programs.
posted by Shambles at 6:51 pm filed in May21,Shambles
1:27:48 – An all-music show! Caffeine Low (Pendle, Attribution NC SA 3.0), Won’t Go By (The Maybes, Attribution NC ND 3.0), Mother Earth (Celticsven & Jude, Attribution NC ND 3.0), The Music In You (The Kyoto Connection, Attribution 4.0 International), Candy Lady (Vertinsky Dogs, Attribution NC 3.0), Back To Circles (Fuzzy Daupner, Attribution NC ND 3.0), Constantine (The Dongas Tribe (and friends), Attribution NC SA 3.0), I Will (mikadams, Attribution NC ND 3.0), Lovers of London (Lovers of London, Attribution NC SA 3.0), Ben Jonson’s Blues (The Rope River Blues Band, Attribution NC SA 3.0 U.S.), Silla Sill (Dorothy’s Magic Bag, Attribution NC ND 3.0), Girl From Another World (Stella Interstellar, Attribution NC SA 4.0 International), Nearest Possible Friday (Autoclamp, Attribution NC SA 3.0), When I Was Old (The Wind Whistles, Attribution NC SA 3.0), Where were you (Weirdomusic, Attribution NC SA), Alice Blue Gown (Edith Day, 1920, collection), Aunt Fish (The Coconut Monkeyrocket with The Cow Goes Moo, Attribution NC SA 4.0 International), Quiet Moments Alone With You (Scrap Heap, public domain), Open Palms (Rolling Calf Sinfonette, Attribution NC ND 3.0), Supersale (Pro Audio, Attribution), My Awesome Mixtape (The Giant Squid, Attribution NC ND 3.0), Glass Houses (Azoora, Attribution NC SA 3.0), It’s All Over Now (Burnt Toast and Jam Live at Witz End on 11/6/1999, Attribution NC), Open (Bing Satellites, Attribution NC SA 3.0). FCC 061.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Attribution: by Shambles Constant, Falling Cow Productions – more info at onsug.com Released May 2021 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with a plethora of diverse and fascinating hosts and a myriad of exciting programs.
posted by Shambles at 2:35 pm filed in May21,Shambles
2:01:55 – CDC announcement about masks, late night trip to Meijer, new show – that’s weird, Benny/McGee, derealization, is there life on other planets?, maladaptive daydreaming, Wendy’s training video rap song, Grateful Dead, sleep schedule gone amok, movie review – Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy. M8D 001. Recorded 5/13/21 through 5/16/21.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Attribution: by Shambles Constant, Falling Cow Productions – more info at onsug.com Released May 2021 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with a plethora of diverse and fascinating hosts and a myriad of exciting programs.
posted by Shambles at 9:29 pm filed in May21,Shambles
33:26 – Opus in A-Groovy (Rolling Calf Sinfonette, Attribution NC ND 3.0), Elimination of Danger (Studebaker’s Blacksmith Shop, Attribution NC ND 3.0), Quarter Mile Blues (The True Wheel, Attribution NC SA), Micky Dolenz Interview – Y102 WRFY 1991 Interview With David Stein (collection), Conspiracy of the Insignificant – Pre Code Movies (6/19/10) (PQ Ribber, Onsug, Attribution NC ND 3.0), Spokes Man (Tom Mansell, Attribution 3.0). FCC 060.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Attribution: by Shambles Constant, Falling Cow Productions – more info at onsug.com Released May 2021 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with a plethora of diverse and fascinating hosts and a myriad of exciting programs.
1:05:46 – We begin a new Onsug show celebrating two of the long-runners of the old time radio era: The Jack Benny Program and Fibber McGee & Molly!
Included in this episode: Let’s Misbehave (Irvine Aaronson & His Commanders, 1928), The Jack Benny Program: Jack Tries to Get Tickets to Rose Bowl (1/4/1948), Fibber McGee & Molly: Old Timer on the Lam (10/27/1942), Mabel’s Dream (King Oliver’s Creole Jazz Band, 1923). BMCG 001.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Attribution: by Shambles Constant, Falling Cow Productions – more info at onsug.com Released May 2021 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with a plethora of diverse and fascinating hosts and a myriad of exciting programs.
posted by Shambles at 9:45 pm filed in May21,Shambles
1:30:51 – Karaoke, jury duty, taking things too seriously, trying like hell to remember a song, bridge phase, Facebook newsfeed, Werner Herzog impersonator, theatre dreams, the cat’s insane, Mother’s Day. RFS 267. Recorded 5/4/21 through 5/9/21.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Attribution: by Shambles Constant, Falling Cow Productions – more info at onsug.com Released May 2021 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with a plethora of diverse and fascinating hosts and a myriad of exciting programs.
posted by Shambles at 8:55 pm filed in May21,Shambles
1:50:34 – Technical difficulties, authors lashing out at online reviewers, Jack Benny and Fibber McGee, six songs at karaoke, Overnightscape Central, classic blues music, The Good Place, library yelling dream, walking in the rain, Facebook group moderation, Benny/McGee brainstorming, worked on Compendium until 3 AM, a little freaked about grand jury duty, friend watched all the Star Wars movies for the first time, the wind screwed me over. RFS 266. Recorded 4/27/21 through 5/2/21.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Attribution: by Shambles Constant, Falling Cow Productions – more info at onsug.com Released May 2021 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with a plethora of diverse and fascinating hosts and a myriad of exciting programs.
posted by Shambles at 8:21 pm filed in May21,Shambles