The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Overnightscape Central – Cowboys (6/4/19)

2:29:54 - The cowboy archetype and it’s history in popular culture is explored by Doc Sleaze, Chad Bowers, and Frank Edward Nora!! Even an unexpected double-dose of Shepherd! PQ Ribber is your host!!

Next: Boxing

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Attribution by PQ Ribber. All guests appear courtesy of themselves.

Released June 2019 on The Overnightscape Underground (, an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and clever hosts presenting unique programs, historic archival material, and nocturnal audio.

posted by pqribber at 6:10 pm filed in Chad,DocSleaze,Frank,Jun19,OvernightscapeCentral,Pinball,PQ,ramplers,reviews,TV  

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Tape Land 98 – Frank’s Dreams (1993-1994)

19:27 – Welcome to Tape Land! On each episode, I’ll present the audio of a cassette tape from my collection. It’s a way to help motivate me to digitize more of my archives.

It was a tape by The Clash – “Cut The Crap” – which I taped over part of to record my dreams, and also talk about my life in general, on 11/17/93, 11/29/93, and 1/20/94. A very cool discovery – I don’t think I had ever listened to it since I recorded it way back then.

Notes: Describing my dreams, at 8:30 AM, on Wednesday, November 17, 1993: down by the reservoir, looking for myself, David Dinkins, train tunnels, cliffs, waterfalls, aquarium, coelacanths, electronic music tape, playing a record, she regained her youth, religious food store, Salt Lake City, green oil, medical stick, insurance card, Bryan, Los Angeles at night. Also: old tapes, pennies, Fovy. 11/29/93: my answering machine greetings, Obliviana, Utah. Dreams from Thursday, January 20, 1994: classroom in Canada (cut off).

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at

posted by Frank at 12:03 pm filed in Frank,Jun19  
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