The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Overnightscape 2113 – Hi Weird Little Highway (4/30/24)

3:14:18 – Frank in New Jersey, plus the Other Side. Topics include: Shatter spice, pepper grinder, blue Mason jars, milk glass mugs, terra cotta phone case, cart abandonment, Aggro Dr1ft tickets, Vegemite, bread, Meow Wolf, Oracle of the Source, Quark, Kirwan Deck, creativity, Whychock Revival, poker, Hi Weird Little Highway, Peignot, WHYCHOCK 1224, creative wreckage, radio talk, PlayStation emulator DuckStation, 90s ‘tude, You Don’t Know Jack, in the archive, casino solitaire, Weasel Adventure, seaside scent, comic strip penguin mystery, overheard on the merch line, net neutrality, Sphere robots, and much more… plus the Other Side (at 2:33:03)… Things You Want To Do by Fuzzy Logic [Jamendo, CC BY-SA 3.0], I Want To Be With You by Guitari [collection], Stereophonic Motor Club by Juanitos [Jamendo, CC BY 3.0], Sheriff’s Song by Starsheriff Orchestra [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Home Sweet Home [collection], Radio waves (old) [via Webm8 productions], 051 – The Melancholy Pool by Clark Ashton Smith [LibriVox, public domain], What Can We Do (vocal Karine Tharreau) by Yvalain [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0], Squeeze Me Like a Snake by The Search [, CC BY-NC-ND 2.5], ALIEN radio adverts, London release, September 1979 [YouTube], Smoke by Evan Schaeffer [FreeMusicArchive, CC BY 4.0], WBBM Channel 2 – Partial Commercial Break (1976) [FuzzyMemories.TV], Surfin Simon by Crazy Aces [, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Kim Fowley ‘Underground Animal’ LP Promo [], In Saturn by Clark Ashton Smith [LibriVox, public domain], Lo fi by aoriste [Jamendo, CC BY-NC-ND 3.0], Hong Kong Here and Now: Tobacco Related Health Concerns (1983) [].

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at

posted by Frank at 2:44 am filed in Apr24,Frank  
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