The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Monday, March 14, 2016

Hey Everybody, it’s Jimbo! – Special: Ask Me Anything – 100 (3/14/16)

ask me anything (1:05:57) Jimbo celebrates his 100th episode of “Hey Everybody it’s Jimbo!” by answering questions posed to him by fellow ONSUG hosts.

Marc Rose: peanut butter .. Frank Nora: arcades .. Eddie Murray: favorite food .. Frank: female barbarians .. Chad Bowers: more peanut butter .. Eddie: extreme (sports?) .. Ruben Schade: central U.S.A. .. PQ Ribber: song about 100 .. Frank: answering machines .. Chad: jobs I’ve had .. Chad: another job question .. Eddie: airplanes .. Frank: bags .. Chad: library memory .. Milt Kanes: out to get us? .. Eddie: a place to live? .. Chad: “King of the Hill” and Bobby Hill .. Ruben: musical food .. Chad: seen a ghost? .. Eddie: favorite memories .. Chad: tomato soup .. Eddie: weather changes .. Frank: gas station confusion .. Marc: Timo is still mad .. Eddie: suffering in the world .. Chad: favorite cars .. Eddie: the sea! .. Frank: invent a dream about swan boats .. Eddie: urban Texas vs. rural Georgia .. Chad: nervous habits .. Eddie: favorite thing to do? .. Eddie: favorite restaurant .. Chad: hobbies .. Eddie: if you ruled the world .. Marc: Tid Trentwell and the ladies .. Eddie: birds and bees .. Chad: paranormal experiences .. Eddie: shopping .. Frank: who is the man in the stupid truck?

Thanks to all for the questions, the kind words and for putting up with me for this long. Special thanks to Frank for everything he does!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License. Overall attribution by Jimbo, all other hosts appear courtesy of themselves. Released March 2016 on The Overnightscape Underground (, an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and fascinating hosts presenting an array of talk-driven programs of distinction.

posted by Jimbo at 2:02 am filed in Chad,Eddie-Central,Frank,Jimbo,Mar16,Marc,PQ  

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Hey Everybody, it’s Jimbo! – Anti-cupcakism – 052 (11/8/15)

anticc (38:16) Driven by the recent talk of Dragon’s Lair in the recent Frank Nora audio programs, Jimbo tries to recall his infrequent visits to the arcades in the late 1970’s.

CONTENTS: SONG FOR NORMAN ROCKWELL .. the weather .. wind and faux dead cat for mikes .. not a frequent visitor to video arcades because of other interests .. recollections of the local arcade .. the different classes of peers .. feeling un-welcomed in the arcade .. “gangs” ..  “Dragonslayer” (aka Dragon’s Lair) .. freaks everywhere .. intruding .. white gangs .. popping things .. wasn’t a fan of arcades .. did not have technophobia .. funny smell of Creepy Crawlers set .. being lazy .. CHAD – DO THE JOE CAIN DANCE! .. writing a different kind of music .. see what works .. trees in the wind .. the football stadium .. MR. ANTI-CUPCAKE MAN .. homemade soup

Frank Edward Nora spoke about the possibility of ‘anti-cupcakism’ in The Overnightscape 1230: Atapazirastra (11/4/15).*

* The Crazy World of Vic and Sade

* All my Onsug music and more: Soundcloud page

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Jimbo – more info at

posted by Jimbo at 11:27 am filed in Jimbo,music,Nov15,rambling  

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