The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Monday, August 9, 2010

Conspiracy of the Insignificant – Furby Politics Music – (8/09/10)

10:01 – A double-shot of new Conspiracy of the Insignificant demo/creations is the focus of this episode! You get the long-awaited sneak listen to Fruitcake Toothpaste’s Furby Experiments as well as ‘Just Say No To Politics’ – a new and weirdie song addition to the COI Songbook! (lyrics below) The General and Xenon provide the guitar loop, courtesy Mentor Productions and the legendary Henny Henchman! Old Photoplay magazines in the Public Domain and online at!  Music and pop culture babble all in a 10 minute Power Pac of PQ Ribberation!

Attribution by PQ Ribber –

Released August 2010 on The Overnightscape Underground (, an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and fascinating hosts and amazingly unique programs.

Just Say No To Politics – lyrics (c) 2010 Conspiracy of the Insignificant

Just say no to politics – Just a bunch of parlour tricks
When You See them Urging Voters – They’re Just Trying to Meet Their Quotas
They Just Wanna Be In Power – They Will Make your stomach sour
Just Say no to politics – Isnt this a ton of bricks?
Bibble babble wasting time – Just another Party Line
Rising up into a station – Representing corporations
Just Say No to Politics – Give you candles, sell you wicks
Tell you one thing then they switch – Kiss the asses of the rich
They are just a bunch a wankers – They will bail out all the bankers
Just say no to politics
They are on their best behaviour – They will owe too many favors
Funds from folks with such a hard-on – for a Presidential Pardon
Just say no to politics – Somethings voting just cant fix
Turning fiction into fact – Selling you the Patriot act
Emptiness in Legislation – Diplomatic Masturbation
Just say no to politics – Heaven is a lot like this
posted by pqribber at 4:00 pm filed in Aug10,music,PQ  

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