29:55 – Comments from the mysterious Unappreciator and Ann Wonnacott Ertman!! Bob Lassiter segment/Bible quiz from the heyday of Talk Radio!! Buddy Holly talk!! Jon Wilson’s classic Golden Age Superman podcasts!! Fun and Entertainium!!
Released June 2023 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
Released July 2021 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
43:09 – New music from Familiar Foreign Bodies with Coptic Nerve as a guest – as well as music news updates!! Golden Age Comic babble!! Public Image and the First Issue!! PQ Ribber is your host!
Released June 2020 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a free-form monologue style, with diverse and clever hosts presenting unique programs, historic archival material, and nocturnal audio.
1:00:40 -Â A follow-up to this week’s ‘Time Machine’ Central, with a classic, Quiet Please episode from 70 years ago (excuse the audio, but it’s worth taking the effort to listen), ‘Light the Lamp for Me’!! A new hit from Azure Attorney featuring the younger Ribber!! Golden Age and other comics talk!! News from August 1900!!
Released September 2019 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and clever hosts presenting unique programs, historic archival material, and nocturnal audio.
39:20 -Â PQ discusses MMA and a new, Combat Jiu Jitsu franchise! Henry Morgan is back!! Audiocollage Musical Interludes!! The remaining portions of Flash Comics #6, from 1940 are examined!! There is NOTHING like the Quaquaversal Satellite!!
Released January 2018 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and clever hosts presenting unique programs, historic archival material, and nocturnal audio
54:08 -Â More awesome audio collagery from Chad Bowers!! Henry Morgan!! More from Flash Comics #6, including Hawkman!! Strange excuses for musical interludes!! PQ Ribber is the accountable party in this continuation of a search for the perfect Night Radio Experience!
Released January 2018 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and clever hosts presenting unique programs, historic archival material, and nocturnal audio
1:00:45 -Â Surreal sonic stuff from Chad Bowers and The Incredible True Facts of Space Studios!! More bits of the Henry Morgan Show!! PQ resumes an old project and starts a look at Flash Comics #6 from 1940!! Musical selections from the Quaquaversal Archives!! A mind-wobbling delight in every byte!!
Released January 2018 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and clever hosts presenting unique programs, historic archival material, and nocturnal audio
posted by pqribber at 3:30 pm filed in Chad,Jan18,PQ
42:39 – The Flying Serpent (1946) and George Zucco!! A new tune from the Boys Nitroglycerine Pep Club – Foolboy!! The Feature Comics series and its features are featured!! Bob and Ray slip in, too!! You KNOW it’s a PQ Ribber show!!
Released September 2017 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and clever hosts presenting unique programs, historic archival material, and nocturnal audio
59:23 – PQ Ribber presents and commentates on another audio escapade in Entertainium!! Â The East Side Kids!! Â The Firefly!! Â Vic and Sade and Vic’s Eyes!! Â A new audiocollage construct collaboration made with Jimbo!! Â Jack Armstrong the All-American Boy!! Â Baby Secrets and Bob and Ray, too!!
Released April 2015 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio collective with a freeform monologue style, featuring diverse and unique hosts who craft thought-provoking, timeless transmissions, and have fun doing it!