The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Friday, March 3, 2017

QS – More Morphin (3/3/17)

57:44 - Another brain-enhancing installment of Entertainium!!  Peter Bernard on the Bowery Boys!!  Boy’s Nitroglycerine Pep Club!!  Another Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Commentary!!  Bob and Ray, too!!  PQ Ribber is the one to blame.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Attribution by PQ Ribber.  Music is by PQ or used by expressed consent of the copyright holders.

Released March 2017 on The Overnightscape Underground (, an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and clever hosts presenting unique programs, historic archival material, and nocturnal audio for your listening pleasure.

posted by pqribber at 11:01 am filed in Mar17,movie,music,Peter,PQ,ramplers,reviews,TV  

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

QS – Morphin (3/1/17)

47:34 – PQ starts an unusual look at season 2 of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers – well, actually, someone’s YouTube series of All Megazord Fights!!  New Music from the Familiar Foreign Bodies!!  Jimbo joins the Boy’s Nitroglycerine Pep Club for a couple of splendid tracks!!  Bob and Ray!!  All this, and more!!


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Attribution by PQ Ribber.  Music is by PQ or used by expressed consent of the copyright holders.

Released March 2017 on The Overnightscape Underground (, an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and clever hosts presenting unique programs, historic archival material, and nocturnal audio for your listening pleasure.

posted by pqribber at 1:33 pm filed in Mar17,music,PQ,ramplers,TV  

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