Onsug Archive Update March 2013
The archive of The Overnightscape Underground is current, up to the end of February 2013.
The Lo-fi Archive (formerly known as Pocket Overnightscape) (43.1 GB) is the same set of tracks as the main archive, but converted to lo-fi 24kbps mono MP3s. It can be downloaded loose or as ZIPs.
Overnightscape Handbook 97 is a PDF that contains detailed information about the archive.
I’m also working on:
Pocket Overnightscape (formerly known as New Pocket Overnightscape) – a reorganization of the archive to make it easier to find each show. It is current up to the end of October 2012. The site right now is a simple file browser and audio player, and is a work in progress. I am currently working on this project, with a new version that includes everything up to the end of February 2013.