The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Rampler #306 (6/1/09) 13.1

The Rampler #306 (6/1/09) 13.1 (1:09:23 /63.8 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – June 2009 – Track 1

“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at
Created by Frank Edward Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
“THE TITANIC” – 1:09:23 / 63.8 MB – Frank in NJ and NYC in the morning. June, weed whacker, time loop, highway bus stop, counting cars, Doppler effect, Pee-wee Herman, Penn Jillette, The Tonight Show, orgasm, antichrist theories, occultists, conspiracy theories, S.K. Thoth and The Pink Angel, rock music, Talking Heads, Nirvana, pinball, moderation, arcades, Crystal Head Vodka, the occult, rich kid rock stars, Lady Gaga, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Strokes, police parades, play on words, Monstercots, Dilmah Dombagastalawa Tea, Ladder Ball, Bolo, last Titanic survivor is dead, and shuffling deck chairs on The Titanic.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at

posted by Frank at 7:55 am filed in Jun09,rampler  


  1. Listening to WIRE this morning. Song “Ahead” great stuff for a stormy gray dallas day. Just waiting till the end. Watching the empire tumble and birth itself anew, take all their money, that’s when they get desperate. They’ll agree to most anything for a bowl of rice.

    Comment by chad bowers — June 2, 2009 @ 6:06 am

  2. A copy of Brautigans, In Watermelon Sugar

    I think you will like this Frank. I like what you said about the number 33 and your program. I think you are on the right track there. It’s all about attaching meaning.

    symbols>language>meaning> Its a grid laid on top of a organic analog mess of near chaotic proportions. Offcourse at the end of the line, it is not chaotic, but none of us inside the system can see things from that objective perspective. We can imagine it yet even if we imagine correctly some dissapointing things happen. 1. it doesn’t matter and is not acknowledged by any outside force 2. we don’t have any way to prove we figured it out.

    Thankfully the time part is a little easier because it is just mechanics and happens inside.

    You’ve already been there, you just don’t realize it yet.

    Comment by chad bowers — June 2, 2009 @ 7:28 am

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