The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Radio Free Shambles: Mandela Beatles (12/4/16)

rfs itsalrightma

1:05:18 – Semi-immortal Time Lord, Thanksgiving weekend, Chicago TARDIS, Doctor Who sixties companions, Masquerade and Match Game, trip to the zoo, 20 minutes or less experimental format, driving to shrink appointment, just go crazy, my voice, feeling weird, my fifth anniversary with Onsug, show comments, do people listen to Tapestry?, changes around me, lost four pounds, Mandela effect, The Beatles’ Story, Everyday Chemistry (which I mistakenly call Emotional Chemistry on the recording), dark outside at 4:30 PM, Bernice Summerfield and Big Finish, charities, fake Beatles album from parallel universe, Revolver album cover, American versions of early Beatles albums, One by U2, winging it, I don’t know what I’m doing, being grown up, being introverted, pretending to be extroverted, energy, famous introverts in history. Recorded 11/28/16 and 11/29/16. RFS 88.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Shambles Constant, Falling Cow Productions – more info at
Released December 2016 on The Overnightscape Underground (, an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and fascinating hosts.

posted by Shambles at 9:44 pm filed in Dec16,Shambles  


  1. Dunno much about the Beatles but enjoyed your show. You should know though that if you have an album question, seek PQ Ribber before doing anything else!

    Comment by Jimbo — December 5, 2016 @ 5:32 am

  2. Congrats on 5 years!! I play Tapestry as a background sound experience – much like i do with ‘the other side’, if that helps.

    Comment by pqribber — December 5, 2016 @ 5:05 pm

  3. the original meet the beatles, us release is about 12 minutes a side. short lps were common. the beatles story is a rip off. almost unlistenable esp knowing what we do in 2016. awful.

    Comment by pqribber — December 5, 2016 @ 5:11 pm

  4. Thanks, Jimbo! I would check in with PQ but it looks like he beat me to it!

    Thanks to you also, PQ! That does help actually, knowing Tapestry is being heard. Yeah, it’s good as background while you’re doing other things, and The Other Side too.

    OK, so you remember The Beatles Story – maybe it’s not a Mandela effect thing. Aw, who knows!

    Comment by Shambles — December 5, 2016 @ 5:26 pm

  5. Dare I mention that I am absolutely convinced I heard a song in my dream which doesn’t exist in our reality! So weird, it happened to me in the Summer (and in the height of my freaking out on the Mandela Effect stuff). I was in a record store in my dream and listening to an album by a known artist (won’t mention names)… but I heard this brilliant very catchy pop tune which I had stuck in my head for several hours after I woke up! I swear I never heard the tune before and wished I had access to some means of trying to capture it somehow (even if I had hummed the melody on a recording)! But I was on vacation with the family and by later that day the song was completely lost to my memory!!

    Comment by Smidge Kudlebaum — January 23, 2017 @ 3:41 pm

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