The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Tape Land 159 – On Noyage – Tape 2 – Plus Dreams (Feb. 1990)

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1:33:40 – Welcome to Tape Land! On each episode, I’ll present the audio of a cassette tape or historic material from my personal archives.

“On Noyage” is a series of tapes I recorded in 1990, in a weird kind of mental haze, about a bizarre and convoluted amusement system called Noyage, which was related to a larger entertainment concept called Nomadi. These ideas eventually became a project called Obliviana, which I worked on for years, until finally giving up on it in 2003. In retrospect, it almost seems like I was tuned in to ideas from another world, not meant for this one. In any case, in 2003 I started my show The Overnightscape, which has been a much healthier creative outlet.

This is part 2 of the first On Noyage session, with me driving up to Rhode Island in the middle of the night (and also some dreams, recorded later). The first tape was released on Onsug 12 years ago – “On Noyage (2/14/90) 1:34:56 [212] [released 3/22/10]”. I released a later tapein the series 3 years ago – “Tape Land 105 – On Noyage 7 (3/23/90) 1:34:35 [940] [released 7/20/19]”. I plan on finding and releasing the entire series of tapes, eventually.

Notes: Starting tape 2, driving to Rhode Island, Feb. 14, 1990, 4:27 AM in Connecticut on Rt. 95 by Exit 71, the word “Nomadi”, theories, communication, objects, aspects of the system, flea market crap, biblia rasa, Bauble and Node, Soho Natural Cream Soda, tape recording, Jargon / Flicker / Plash / Node / Dossier / Spin / Thrust / Bauble / Focus, Future Frank, the shape of Noyage, Noyagers/Nomads, aspect of Nomadi, Rivets, arrived at my brother’s apartment in Rhode Island, The Hollow Fantasia can be written, 5:34 AM, later… 9:52 PM, Friday Feb. 16, 1990, dreams, bed, beach, trail, children, I was in The Beatles, BMW 2002, hanging out with Ringo, difficult phone calls, store, I looked like a young Calvin Coolidge, accusations, card overlays, Casio keyboard, 4:11 AM – go to 7-11, later… Feb. 18, 1990, 6:18 AM, dreams, zillions of different characters, cop car, Tomy Pocket Games, girl, word games in a trailer, palindromes, computer art version of Zope, later… continuing from the Noyage tape two ahead of this, hypnagogic scene: God wanted me to apologize, going to a mall, Feb. 23, 1990, 10-11 AM, job interviews, Total Chaos, Marcy, working on my own things on my own terms in my own way, Noyage, Red Alley Earth, Some Berry Basalt of Brine, Zope on the computer, Zope Home, the original Kra Wen Gib gang.

Released 3/24/22

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora- more info at

posted by Frank at 5:06 am filed in Frank,Mar22  

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