Bumper Chain Cosmic #26: Friday On My Mind (4/28/23)
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3:00:02 – Doctor Ironbeard (Mike O’Donnell, Attribution SA 3.0 United States), Ma and Pa Kettle At The Fair – movie trailer (from archive.org), I Wanna Be A Bluesman (The Bluestramp, Attribution NC 3.0), Unfollow (Risky Summerbee & The Honeythief, Attribution NC SA 3.0), Still Yet Still Yet Another Short Story (Fortyone, Attribution NC), This Year (Paper Tiger, Attribution NC SA 3.0), Gee Mom, I Want To Go Home (Kymberly Drake, Attribution NC ND 2.5 Canada), WTVO (Rockford, IL) 10pm News – 3/21/1984 (from archive.org), Horse Feathers – movie trailer (from archive.org), Sundaes Our Way (Osiris Saline, Attribution ND 4.0 International), Press five (Happy Elf, Attribution NC SA 3.0), 2000 Plus: Worlds Apart (11/29/1950), Metal Zoo (Sakee Sed, Attribution NC ND 3.0), Oh! How She Could Yacki Hacki Wicki Wacki Woo (Arthur Collins and Byron G. Harlan, 1916, public domain), Ramblings Episode 1664: A Long Strange Day (Keith Hughes, Attribution NC ND 4.0 International), Georgie, You’ve Been Had (Autoclamp, Attribution NC SA 3.0), TBS Commercials – 4/3/1990 (from archive.org), Jazz Baby (Marion Harris, 1919, public domain), KIRO/CBS commercials – 2/15/1986 (from archive.org), Bathtub Gin (Chum, A Tribute to Phish Live at Brick and Mortar Music Hall on 1/28/2012, Attribution NC), KYVE/PBS pledge break (partial) – 12/2/1989 (from archive.org), Our Weight In Oil (Matt Elliott, Attribution NC SA 3.0), Jack Benny Program: Professor Benny Teaches About The Boston Tea Party (4/26/1936), inexpensive television encouraged (Thomas Park, Public Domain Mark 1.0), Uncle Josh at a Baseball Game (Cal Stewart, 1909, public domain). BCC 026.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Attribution: by Shambles Constant, Falling Cow Productions – more info at onsug.com
Released April 2023 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and clever individuals who say stuff and record it and let other people hear it.