The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Monday, July 15, 2024

SERMONS #79 – Mopping-Up Operations (7/15/24)

30:10 – After the battles of Jericho and Ai, which were previously described in detail, the rest of the conquest becomes kind of a blur. There are a few interesting moments, however, like when huge rocks fall from the sky and the sun stands still for about a day. And oh yeah, when a neighboring tribe pulls a scam on Joshua and as punishment they are made to serve as lumberjacks and water boys.

Show art: “Joshua and the Five Kings” (1896-1902) by James Tissot (1836-1902), Public Domain.

Theme music: “Mopping Up” (2024), words by Dave in Kentucky, music and performance by (v3.5).

This show is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license. Attribution: by Dave in Kentucky – more info at and

This episode, along with all other episodes of SERMONS, is also available at

posted by Dave at 4:43 pm filed in Dave,Jul24  

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