The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Monday, September 30, 2024

Into Your Head – Show 823: Lay Ministers Can’t Wipe (7/9/24)

47:45 – Neal considers how a cat learns to smoke in the current regulatory environment, explains your child’s hunger for paramilitary-style balaclavas and discusses risky versus risqué, Jesus’ disastrous impact on local fishing, changing atitudes to water bombs, edible versus digestible, Inbred fish sandwiches, why lay ministers can’t wipe, using Buddah’s name in vain, landfills versus volcanoes, anatomy of a racehorse injury, showground gates versus school gates, you Americans and your canyons, cats but not the nice type, the trouble with jungles, the lack of urination on Breaking Bad, reheating stout, dog licking versus cat licking, extras in bars, the correct way to end a podcast, surviving a zombie TV series and more.

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License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International – Attribution: Neal O’Carroll via – Future humans: Use Wayback Machine to view custom-made archive companion site.

posted by Frank at 3:05 am filed in Neal,Sep24  

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