The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I just wanted to remind all the hosts here on The Overnightscape Underground that playing commercial music on your show is not allowed – not even a short clip of such music. The only music you should play is music you’ve made yourself, or music which has been released under a Creative Commons/public domain license.

Of course there is the Fair Use exception under the law – which is unfortunately very vague and poorly defined. I would prefer that host invoke fair use to play clips of commercial music sparingly – and only if it is really necessary. The best scenario would be if there was no commercial music at all heard on any show.

I hope you all understand, and I look forward to your feedback.


posted by Frank at 7:51 am filed in News  


  1. I recommend all hosts invest in a Madplayer and a Harmonica. Both will serve you well for several years!

    Comment by Neal — May 11, 2011 @ 11:34 am

  2. It is so very tempting to use copyrighted stuff for background music in my works. Sigh. I will not tho.

    Comment by Simon — May 13, 2011 @ 7:29 pm

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