The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Shambleshow #31: Chaotic Light (4-23-12)

4:59:23 – Clip from Burns and Allen (3-10-49), waiting to see Say Goodnight Gracie at BCPA, my reactions to Say Goodnight Gracie, the lives of George Burns and Gracie Allen, Gracie and Current Events (Burns and Allen, 10-17-46), Blackout 1998, living on my own after college, rain sounds on a Sunday night, pensive mood, Stephanie’s Song (Ether, 1998), fast-moving clouds, the shoes incident, time moves faster as you get older, figuring out different ways to compile a long episode, mental health day?, sun is out, random thoughts, Shel Silverstein, beard, Jackie talking to her Grandpa, comedy to lighten the mood, The Sound of Young America – Maria Bamford at Laugh Night (Jesse Thorn & Maximum Fun, Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0), garbage truck, reading The Hunger Games, the name Katniss, The Long Walk by Stephen King, King pulled Rage from the market due to school shootings, Overnightscape Central: Promotions Unlimited, stuck eyelash, burger/fries, proud to be a part of Onsug, lunchtime audio adventure, variety show, people on motorcycles not wearing helmets, Wendy’s, bridal showers, ghosts, field trips, joke from Say Goodnight Gracie, $7.77, green lights, some guy texting while driving, what a four-minute Shambleshow would be like, ambulances, Here in Heck triggered my artistic sensibilities, Jackie’s flower painting, “we got more bounce in California,” Paper Spoons (The Catnips, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike), Lines (Antimon, Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 Sweden), clay in Jackie’s hair, Fred Allen, interjections in Onsug shows, guy talking on the phone in a public restroom, people snubbing me at work, props to Bi-Coastal Becky, Monical’s, I need to get back on diet, Phish ringtone, mowing: field recording and sound collage, One Long Pan (The Fred Allen Show, 4-24-49), Stephanie’s Song – Punk Version (Ether, 1999), Thursday morning radio, John Malkovich, Dick Clark died, I couldn’t do these long episodes every week, Overnightscape: Audioworlders, current Shambleshow plan, the pizza/pizza rolls incident, preserving Dad’s emails, I’m worn out, I Love You From Coast to Coast (Gracie Allen). Theme song: Simple Pleasures (Henry Homesweet, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 England & Wales).

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.
Attribution: by Shambles Constant – more info at

Released April 2012 on The Overnightscape Underground (, an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and fascinating hosts.

Special note: in this episode I refer to both Manny the Mailman and Brian Jude as show hosts who were no longer uploading their shows to I am happy to report that both of them have released shows here within the past couple of days. Cheers, guys!

posted by Shambles at 3:41 pm filed in Apr12,Shambles  


  1. I generally enjoy your material Shambles, but I have to say, that 22 minute lawn-mowing collage experiment was a bit much. The sound of a lawn mower is generally grading enough, and layering other sounds behind it didn’t rely improve things for me, as I just found myself straining to hear what went on beyond the noise. I would have fast forwarded though it except I was driving at the time and didn’t want to start fiddling with the player, and there was no warning of how long it would be so I kept expecting it to end any minute, but it just kept going and going.

    I don’t mind longer pieces, but as a piece of hopefully constructive criticism I would suggest using less annoying source material, condense it down to just a few minutes, or at least give a warning beforehand if the next 20 minutes will be mostly just the sound of an engine or similar in future productions 😉

    Comment by Jan Erik — June 17, 2012 @ 12:27 pm

  2. Hey Jan Erik! I’d completely forgotten about that piece. Yeah, in retrospect you may be right. I went a little nuts during the making of that episode. 🙂 You will find that my shows are usually not nearly that far off in left field (or at least not for that long at a time). Thanks for the feedback!

    Comment by Shambles — June 18, 2012 @ 2:10 pm

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