4:15:50 – Dave in Kentucky is joined by Chad Bowers of TITFOS and Chadcast (at 01:32 and 2:05:52), Eddie Murray of The Wool Gathering (at 58:41 and 2:25:25) and Frank Edward Nora of The Overnightscape (at 3:15:52) for a heaping helping of all things utopic, dystopic, midtopic and offtopic, as well as a dash of unfinished business from last time and a sprinkling of conspiracy theories.
Next month’s topics: Guilty Pleasures, Innocent Times and Trying Situations. Record about any or all of these and send audio files or links to DaveKY at mail.com by 6pm Central Time on May 10, 2024.
Show art: “The Noordermarkt by Night” (1840) by Petrus van Schendel (1806-1870) depicting “night people” typical of the Overnightscape Underground.
29:57 – In this episode, the Israelites are instructed to take a food tithe to the seat of occupied government and appear before a Yahwelian representative while Lord Yahweh himself views the proceedings remotely (from the sky) and bestows blessings accordingly. Learn (among other things) why the law is both a blessing and a curse, what it means to uncover your father’s skirt, and the fate of those who not only did not fear Yahweh, but who feared none of the Elohim gods.
Show art: “Offerings of the First Fruits Carried to the Temple of Jerusalem” (circa 1700) by Augustin Calmet (1672-1757), Public Domain.
Theme music: Unknown hymn used as the theme music for Father Coughlin’s radio show in the 1930s, Public Domain, performed by Dave in Kentucky (2021), Public Domain Dedication.
3:17:30 – Dave in Kentucky is joined by E-Squared from Discord and The Exit Ramp (at 1:20), Eddie Murray of The Wool Gathering (at 50:42) and Frank Edward Nora of The Overnightscape (at 2:32:39) for a discussion of the minor vices in which we sometimes indulge, as well as the usual digressions about aliens.
Next month’s topics: Utopias, Dystopias and Other Possible Worlds. Record about any or all of these and send audio files or links to DaveKY at mail.com by 6pm Central Time on April 10, 2024.
Show art: “The Noordermarkt by Night” (1840) by Petrus van Schendel (1806-1870) depicting “night people” typical of the Overnightscape Underground.
30:44 – Were all men brothers, or only fellow Israelites? What precautions needed to be taken to prevent unintentional crop hybridization? Why was it inadvisable to plow with an ox and an ass? How important was policing the latrine when the commanding officer was in camp? Dave in Kentucky addresses these and other important questions.
Show art: “Native of Palestine Working with an Ox and an Ass, Holy Land” (c. 1895), colorized, photographer unknown, Public Domain.
Theme music: Unknown hymn used as the theme music for Father Coughlin’s radio show in the 1930s, Public Domain, performed by Dave in Kentucky (2021), Public Domain Dedication.
2:37:59 – Dave in Kentucky is joined by Eddie Murray from The Wool Gathering (at 19:47) and Frank Edward Nora of Overnightscape fame (at 1:44:52) for a discussion that will be of interest to all Old Timers.
Next month’s topics: Morning Coffee, Evening Drinks and Other Minor Vices. Talk about any or all of the above and send audio files or links to DaveKY at mail.com by 6pm Central Time on March 10, 2024. Earlier submissions are encouraged and appreciated.
Show art: “The Noordermarkt by Night” (1840) by Petrus van Schendel (1806-1870) depicting “night people” typical of the Overnightscape Underground.
Deadline is Feb. 10th at 6pm Central Time for the topics Old Time Rock ‘n’ Roll, Old Time Religion and/or Old Time Radio. Send your mp3 or other audio file (or a link to same) to DaveKY at mail.com. Or FTP to the clubhouse folder and let me know the file name(s). Thanks!
29:49 – What is the difference between divination and prophecy? Was “the devil” just another of the minor Elohim? How can false prophecy be detected? Did the Israelites have an all-volunteer army? How were city governments punished for failing to detect and punish the crime of murder? How could a man decide whether he was in love with a female prisoner, or just infatuated? Dave provides the Deuteronomic answers.
Show art: “Laws Concerning Unsolved Murder” (c. 1886), artist unknown, Public Domain.
Theme music: Unknown hymn used as the theme music for Father Coughlin’s radio show in the 1930s, Public Domain, performed by Dave in Kentucky (2021), Public Domain Dedication.
30:38 – What did King James mean when he declared in The True Law of Free Monarchies that the king is “the lord of all gods”? Was this a reference to the Yahweh Elohim? Why did all adult male Israelites have to travel three times a year to designated locations where they would deliver their tithes and pay their tribute to their Yahwelian overlords? Dave in Kentucky speculates.
Show art: Frontispiece of Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan (1651) by Abraham Bosse (1604-1676), Public Domain.
Theme music: Unknown hymn used as the theme music for Father Coughlin’s radio show in the 1930s, Public Domain, performed by Dave in Kentucky (2021), Public Domain Dedication.
3:00:19 – Rookie host Dave in Kentucky is joined by Brendan (the) Meanderer (at 22:22), Chad Bowers of TITFOS (at 1:03:46), the Midnight Citizen Mike Boody (at 1:48:19), and Frank Edward Nora of Overnightscape fame (at 2:07:40) for a three-hour cruise visiting Fast Food, The Occult and Other Bad Ideas. A Good Time was Had by All.
Next month’s topics: Old-Time Rock ‘n’ Roll, Old-Time Religion and Old-Time Radio. Talk about one, two or all three topics. Send mp3’s to DaveKY at mail.com by 6pm Central Time on February 10, 2024. Earlier submissions are encouraged and appreciated.
Show art: “The Noordermarkt by Night” (1840) by Petrus van Schendel (1806-1870) depicting “night people” typical of the Overnightscape Underground.
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! if you want to be included in the January ’24 edition of the Overnightscape Central. Deadline for submissions is 5pm Central Time on January 10th. Send your mp3 files about Fast Food, the Occult and/or Other Bad Ideas to DaveKY at mail.com ASAP.