28:52 – After Moses is told he will die soon, without ever setting foot in the Promised Land, he deals harshly with the women and children taken prisoner in the Midianite campaign. He would have dealt harshly with the Midianite men, too, but these had already been exterminated by Phineas the Impaler.
Show art: “The Women of Midian Led Captive by the Hebrews” (1896-1902) by James Tissot (1836-1902), Public Domain.
Theme music: Unknown hymn used as the theme music for Father Coughlin’s radio show in the 1930s, Public Domain, performed by Dave in Kentucky (2021), Public Domain Dedication.
30:08 – The Uber Mensch gets back on the road again, albeit intermittently, but most of this episode is about off-the-road activities like binge-watching old mysteries, sitcoms, and religious programs, as well as planning an outing to see a brand-new movie.
Show art: German propaganda poster (1942), artist unknown, Public Domain.
Theme music: Clips from “Also Sprach Zarathustra” (1896) by Richard Strauss (1864-1949), Public Domain, performance Fair Use.
26:21 – One of the hazards of driving Uber is that you get exposed to random people’s germs, and that will occasionally slow down even the most Uber of Uber Mensches.
Show art: German propaganda poster (1942), artist unknown, Public Domain.
Theme music: Clips from “Also Sprach Zarathustra” (1896) by Richard Strauss (1864-1949), Public Domain, performance Fair Use.
29:41 – Why does Numbers 23:19 point out that the Elohim are neither men nor sons of men? Isn’t that redundant? Well, not necessarily. What does the fact that Jesus is both the son of God and the son of man imply? Did the Israelites engage in human sacrifice as well as animal sacrifice? Dave in Kentucky provides answers, and speculates about the existence in ancient times of two competing alien races, the Yahwelians (natch) and the Baalites.
Show art: “Pinchas Killing Zimri and Cozbi with a Spear” (late 17th or early 18th century, colorized) by Otmar Elliger, Public Domain.
Theme music: Unknown hymn used as the theme music for Father Coughlin’s radio show in the 1930s, Public Domain, performed by Dave in Kentucky (2021), Public Domain Dedication.
31:40 – Dave in Kentucky regales you with three Ubertales of incidents that he’d probably rather had never happened — a kind of Trilogy of the Terrible. The sound isn’t terrible, though; it’s way better than last time.
Show art: German propaganda poster (1942), artist unknown, Public Domain.
Theme music: Clips from “Also Sprach Zarathustra” (1896) by Richard Strauss (1864-1949), Public Domain, performance Fair Use.
29:41 – Were the “fiery flying serpents” with six wings who attacked the Israelites angels or jet planes? How did a snake on a pole heal the victims of these attacks? Why did the World Health Organization, the American Medical Association and numerous other medical groups adopt this symbol as their own? What’s the difference between the Rod of Asclepius and the Caduceus? Why did Balaam’s ass see the angel (malach) in the middle of the road while Balaam did not? Who or what made the ass speak? Dave in Kentucky speaks from a similar source as he suggests answers to these and other questions.
Show art: “Moses and the Brazen Serpent” (ca. 1650) by Esteban March (1610-1668), Public Domain.
Theme music: Unknown hymn used as the theme music for Father Coughlin’s radio show in the 1930s, Public Domain, performed by Dave in Kentucky (2021), Public Domain Dedication.