The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ivy Probes (FN 4/14/10 Wed) 27.28

Ivy Probes (FN 4/14/10 Wed) 27.28 (41:24 / 38.1 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – April 2010 – Track 28
“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at

Created by Frank Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Frank Nora in NJ and NYC. Sunny day, Stereolab, poison ivy, nanoprobes, good intentions, observations about the chemtrail phenomenon, atmospheric conditions, condensation, the reality of our society, welcome Chadcast, Weasel Village Mall, technological factors, “Oscillons from the Anti-Sun” by Stereolab, American Idol, Ryan Seacrest, tired and silly, Glee, Lost, worst case scenario, going to be interviewed tomorrow, 209, 1950s girl, the Willy Wonka theory of Lost, 90s flyer, Brother Theodore, failure of scrambled tofu, Project Greenlight, The Battle of Shaker Heights (2003), breakfastacy, a tie shop, and a bagel and cheese.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Nora – more info at

posted by Frank at 7:04 am filed in Apr10,FN,Frank,nyc  

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Past Inside The Present (FN 4/13/10 Tue) 27.25

The Past Inside The Present (FN 4/13/10 Tue) 27.25 (47:16 / 43.5 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – April 2010 – Track 25
“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at

Created by Frank Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Frank Nora in NJ and NYC. A small nightmare, dental truck, thoughts about learning about how reality works, nested stages of incarnation, seeing two of everything, Betty Nora, guy sleeping on bus, St. Paul Skyline, lucid dreaming, chemtrails, quick nightmare on a bus, dream visual signal lingers, gold shield, logos, time travel, memories of alternate timelines, the past inside the present, mechanisms of reality, Chrysler Building, my grandparents, absorbing the patterns around you, Peddler’s Village, time cops, old tape, Conan O’Brien on TBS, David Letterman, the album “Margerine Eclipse” by Stereolab, San Francisco, Boards of Canada, and childhood in the 1970s after the failed “hippie revolution”.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Nora – more info at

posted by Frank at 8:46 am filed in Apr10,FN,Frank,nyc  

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Betty Nora (5/28/00) 27.24


Betty Nora (5/28/00) 27.24 (1:19:31 / 73.1 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – April 2010 – Track 24
“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at

Created by Frank Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Today, April 13, 2010, would have been my grandmother Betty Nora’s 100th birthday. She passed away at age 97 in May 2007. She was a very important person in my life, so to remember her, I am posting this interview I did with her back in 2000 (released here for the first time). By listening to it, you will get to know her a little, too.

Topics: Rileys, Pennsylvania, childhood, family history, scary movies, ghost stories, the kitchen as gathering place, teachers and school, the newspaper from New York, novel time, bullying, a light in the sky, using a cannon to shoot ice in the sky, Sears Roebuck Catalog, coal miners, fossils, sharing candy bars, mining accidents, hear the foxes going by in the snow, food for the winter, brothers and sisters, wars, black lung, honesty, welfare, Civil War, farmers, peddlers, bread, flour, coffee, soup, food, watermelons, chores, pets, hunting, garbage, snow, radio, baseball, cars, bootlegger, Bella, bathrooms, The May Queen (May 17, 1930), The Cranberry King, flies in brandy, Barr, end of World War I, bonfire, tar and feathering, Juniata College, working in the dining room, telephones, The Great Depression, shakedown, Latin, rumble seat, coming to NJ, the mountains, Florida, Metuchen, construction company, World War II, Pearl Harbor, inventing things, the house, Good Housekeeping article in 1952, television, Howdy Doody, talent show, penniless at the shore, trip to Europe in 1954 on the Andrea Doria, boiled potatoes, bread and sugar, rest stop, pets, Mercedes, TV set, Girl Scouts, return to teaching (1955-1970), riots in New Brunswick, staying overnight at the house, and indecision regarding toys.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Nora – more info at

posted by Frank at 12:05 am filed in Apr10,features,FN,Frank  

Monday, April 12, 2010

Earthy Word (FN 4/12/10 Mon) 27.22

Earthy Word (FN 4/12/10 Mon) 27.22 (49:43 / 45.7 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – April 2010 – Track 22
“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at

Created by Frank Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Frank Nora in NYC and NJ. Laundry detergent, the various convoluted scents of Ultra Downy, Logan’s Run, emotions, orchids, lavender, the bus changed numbers, water lillies, Spice Blossom Dare, escalation and brinkmanship in marketing and pop culture, music video review (“Telephone” by Lady Gaga), corner where someone got shot, jackhammer, harsh and inhuman, product placement, Kill Bill, sex and violence, the ugliness of celebrity, I touched a ping pong table, Donny and Marie Osmond variety TV show in the 70s, the sound of New York, The Motor Excursion Ruffians #5, A Computerized Radio Show on the Road, acting like children, remembered the thing I forgot about time travel, other timelines, review of Doctor Who “The Beast Below”, Daleks, Sansa Clip and Rockbox, Old Spice Matterhorn anti-perspirant and deodorant, fire trucks, Molly Pitcher, Molly Hatchet, Roadside America, 30 years ago, hands-free soap dispensers, and Apple iPad.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Nora – more info at

posted by Frank at 8:27 am filed in Apr10,FN,Frank,nyc  

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Motor Excursion Ruffians #5 (4/10/10) 27.21

The Motor Excursion Ruffians #5 (4/10/10) 27.21 (2:19:51 / 128 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – April 2010 – Track 21
“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at

Created by Frank Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Frank and Peter on Saturday, April 10, 2010, starting at the Molly Pitcher Service Area on the New Jersey Turnpike, on their drive down to Pennsylvania to visit their friend Bryan. Then the next day, with Bryan, talking about games in the car, and then go to a game store and then to The King of Prussia Mall. They talk about a lot of stuff and have many adventures. Including first impressions of the Apple iPad.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Nora – more info at

posted by Frank at 6:53 pm filed in Apr10,features,FN,Frank  

Friday, April 9, 2010

Magick? (FN 4/9/10 Fri) 27.16

Magick? (FN 4/9/10 Fri) 27.16 (1:36:16 / 88.3 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – April 2010 – Track 16
“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at

Created by Frank Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Frank Nora in NYC and NJ. Peter Detmold Park by the East River, beautiful views, time theories, Sirens (1994), occult experimentation – using magic to see a cool car, jump ahead in time, unexpectedly there’s an arcade at the revamped bowling alley at Port Authority!, theories of magic and time travel, Betty Nora, ghost, the dead Sansa, Million Dollar Homepage, Chewbacca, Dalek, the news, The Addams Family, MTA selling subway artifacts, subway, energy drinks, lost or unavailable old TV shows, Choston Bands & Junkard Sane, heading down to King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, and cherry blossoms in fighting games.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Nora – more info at

posted by Frank at 10:40 am filed in Apr10,FN,Frank,nyc  

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Time Crack (FN 4/8/10 Thu) 27.13

Time Crack (FN 4/8/10 Thu) 27.13 (1:05:42 / 60.3 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – April 2010 – Track 13
“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at

Created by Frank Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Frank Nora in NJ and NYC. Record heat, chemtrails galore, arm fell asleep, bus, air vents, Betty Nora would have been 100 next week, interview from 2000, St. Paul Skyline (with Sarjé), new $100 bill design coming April 21, economic systems, magic, flea markets, the gelato business, energy drinks, Rockbox, understanding Kylie Minogue, 120 Minutes, Earth to MTV, KORG iELECTRIBE for iPad, 7-11, AMP Energy Juice, novelty cameras, cannon, Hell’s Kitchen, World Pillow Fight Day, miniature golf book, get some money at the bank, ATM graphics, razors, half-asleep watching “24”, Lucy Feature, Witch Doctor, King Feature Syndicates, Stereolab compilation album “Serene Velocity”, perception of the nature of time by using music, the new location of “Book-Off” soon to open, the rhythm of time, “cracks” in time, developing a method of time travel, Pan Am Airways, Grand Central, depressing music, buying the scrambled tofu, confusion, and the uncomfortable ice cream breakfast time.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Nora – more info at

posted by Frank at 10:01 am filed in Apr10,FN,Frank,nyc  

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Experience Rooms (FN 4/7/10 Wed) 27.12

Experience Rooms (FN 4/7/10 Wed) 27.12 (1:14:18 / 68.2 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – April 2010 – Track 12
“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at

Created by Frank Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Frank Nora in NJ and NYC. Walking in Central Park, cigar review (The Griffin’s “Griffinos” Dominican Blend cigarillos), bad typography, iconic stone bridge, Frank Black, Cryptic Message of the Day, “she’s clueless”, saw some iPads, mallards, a scale model of the pond, AR, Oceana, LOVE, Populous, say a new name, interview a cardinal, Nirvana “Milk It”, Gravity’s Rainbow, security agents, the thought of time travelling to Trump Tower in 2005 to go to the Tower Records that used to be there, Kylie Minogue, time disasters, TV night, travel through time to tomorrow morning, energy drink and wander the bus terminal, going to Pennsylvania, TV review (last night’s “American Idol” and “Lost”), the fake Paul McCartney, big lies and secrecy, talk like William Shatner, run for bus, Apollo hoax, Kylie Minogue, a series of mishaps, destroyed my Sansa Clip+, use a key as a tool, Gouge Away, essential companions on the commute, Rockbox, ESPN Zone, American Idol, Doctor Who Confidential, Lost, alternate timelines, the abandoned Circuit City, buy a new Sansa Clip+ at Best Buy, heading into Mercury Retrograde, cigarillo, electric razor, stupid warning, weird show repair, scrambled tofu, 1970s interior design, the concept of “experience rooms”, theme parks, creating immersive environments in rooms, and The Pixies.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Nora – more info at

posted by Frank at 9:34 am filed in Apr10,FN,Frank,nyc  

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Tofu on 40th Street (FN 4/6/10 Tue) 27.10

The Tofu on 40th Street (FN 4/6/10 Tue) 27.10 (1:15:51 / 69.6 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – April 2010 – Track 10
“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at

Created by Frank Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Frank Nora in NJ and NYC. Smell of ozone, warm day, tofu plan, building features, the annoying dream “Radio Shack Bathroom”, dreams of having to go back to high school, Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, Alex Chilton, The Replacements, The Letter, Big Star, thermostat, Red Bull Arena, industrial wasteland, soccer, PATH Train, Stereolab song “Interlock”, intelligence, nihilism, “she’s clueless”, Polish pronunciation, Muji, March 2010 is up, the 100,000 minute mark milestone, green demolition, The $100,000 Pyramid, a rambler takes a break, vegetarian tofu scrambled eggs breakfast at Crisp on 40th Street, Wicked, sitting in Bryant Park, an ocean brain floating in space, Sirens (1994), klutz, “wilding” in Times Square, Bill Cosby, sleep on a bed of nails, strange fortune cookies, food blog, secret identities, the story behind the “Lucy Feature” EP by Choston Bands & Junkard Sane, contextualization, 1423, answers to Wayne on ABM 1, Rich Hall, your cooperation, Gulf, transit supervisor, stupid ad, losers. Rotis, lawnmower accident, World Team Tennis in 1976, religious broadcasting, Rachel Ray, sin, The Bible, how religion soothes, skit idea, achieving media domination, Daleks, the transition, and to be normal.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Nora – more info at

posted by Frank at 9:03 am filed in Apr10,FN,Frank,nyc  

Monday, April 5, 2010

Smingus Dyngus (FN 4/5/10 Mon) 27.8

Smingus Dyngus (FN 4/5/10 Mon) 27.8 (1:21:14 / 74.6 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – April 2010 – Track 8
“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at

Created by Frank Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
Frank Nora in NJ and NYC. It’s Smingus Dyngus (Wet Monday in Poland), trying to unlock the car and get my sunglasses, Jay-Z, misanthropy, wind chime fear, the middle class, horrific news from New Jersey, a despicable crime in Trenton, the question of evil, Edgar Cayce’s concept of “soul age”, history and reincarnation, this weird society, compassion for animals, Lucy Feature, carrying stuff, bus, the mafia weather, throwing water on people, radio personalities, Ishtar, fertility, a sour stomach from eating frozen oatmeal and beans?, Census jobs, beautiful day, meet the confused, Good Friday, MoMA, FAO Schwarz, Apple iPad, freedom, Central Park, The Whitney, rich people, doors, a truck crashed into the building, weird and creepy shopping area, Eyes Wide Shut, cool movie theater, arcade video game “The Fast and the Furious Drift”, salty popcorn, Dasani Water, movie review (“Alice in Wonderland” in 3D (2010)), Crispin Glover, Tim Burton, conspiracy theories, Broadway musical review (“Wicked”), The Wizard of Oz, talking animals, social classes, TV review (Doctor Who “The Eleventh Hour” with new Doctor, Matt Smith), sexual tension, a deranged look, a Doctor montage, and upcoming topics.
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Nora – more info at

posted by Frank at 8:17 am filed in Apr10,FN,Frank,nyc  
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