51:15 – PQ has some new music, including a Frank Edward Nora treat!! Vic and Sade are here, again (and Fred Stembottom is a muttonhead)!! PQ expresses an unexpected opinion!! Fun with YouTube, too!!
Released January 2022 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
2:11:52 – All things paper are digressed upon by the best!! Doc Sleaze!! Chad Bowers!! Eddie who Gathers Wool!! Frank Edward Nora!! Another monologue excursion hosted by PQ Ribber!!
Released January 2022 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
Released January 2022 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
1:34;26 – Eddie from the Wool Gathering has words for us!! Jean Shepherd, from 1968, talking about Manhattan and other delights!! New music and Old News!! Another triumph in glorious Ribberama!!
Released January 2022 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
Released January 2022 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
Released January 2022 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
Released January 2022 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel based on a freeform monologue style, presenting diverse and fascinating hosts who craft thought-provoking, unique transmissions for now, and all future times!
1:24:47 – Rubenerd!! Eddie!! Frank! A catch-up and some interesting monologue on artistical ideas and entertainiums!! PQ Ribber hosts and has a musical treat!!
Overall attribution by PQ Ribber , all other hosts appear courtesy of themselves. Released Januray 2022 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and fascinating hosts presenting  an array of talk-driven programs that are inspired by the Magic of the Human Voice!
58:52 – Sleaze’s greetings as we present a selection of musings from the mind of Doc Sleaze, including the persistence of the selection box, the horror Christmas office parties, TV spin off movies and much more, including:
The Christmas Selection Box ¦ Christmas Bells ¦ Capitalism in Cartoon Form ¦ Assorted 1980s UK Christmas TV ads ¦ The Stresses of Christmas Past ¦ Bless This House (1972) Movie Trailer ¦ The Art of the TV Spin-Off Movie ¦ House of Dark Shadows (1970) Trailer ¦ Untrue Crime ¦ Horror of Party Beach (1964) Trailer ¦ Creature From the Brown Lagoon? ¦ Deadlier Than the Male (1967) Trailer ¦ Bulldog Spirit: Bulldog Drummond and the Swinging Sixties ¦ Some Girls Do (1969) Trailer ¦ Seasonal Musings ¦ Christmas Bells
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Attribution: by Doc Sleaze – more info at TheOvernightscape.com Released Dec 2021 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and clever hosts presenting unique programs, historic archival material, and nocturnal audio.
2:28:23 – Doc Sleaze!! Eddie from the Wool Gathering!! Chad Bowers!! Frank Edward Nora!! A grand gathering of gab!! PQ Ribber is your Master of Ceremonies!!
Overall attribution by PQ Ribber , all other hosts appear courtesy of themselves. Released December 2021 on The Overnightscape Underground (onsug.com), an Internet talk radio channel focusing on a freeform monologue style, with diverse and fascinating hosts presenting an array of talk-driven programs that are inspired by the Magic of the Human Voice!