The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Rampler #10 (8/18/08)

The Rampler #10 (8/18/08) (51:48 / 47.5 MB)

Show Notes:

“my walk home thru NYC”

1830 18aug 2008 Leaving work,3rd ave 47th street Manhattan, walk to Port Authority,talking about topics, posting in minutes – no post production,2 hours of recording in one day.Checking out topics from April.Unable to read own writing, checking out Art Gallery,jay walking,snafu bar,space girl giving a lecture.Random memories on the rampler- the avengers, beekman liqours [1].Bento bar yushi – no vegetarian food [2], vegetarian hell.Hormel foods [3] on [4].Park avenue, back to the Avengers, humming the theme tune,Emma Peel(Diana Rigg)and John Steed(Patrick MacNee) [5]. Starlog magazine [6] or [7],the incredible melting man[8],Popcorn on 5th Avenue[], new wave era, JR cigars [9], flexi disc with the avengers them tune. 99c dreams store [10],phsycadelic swirls – Jesus, and Hindu gods.Computers in dumpsters,COMIC bOOKS,vovatour – little Brazil street [11], sore right big toe,designated hard hat area.Washing the sidewalk,loud compressor,a day of hazards,Jean Louis David hairdresser [12], piracy in the 70’s and 80’s at the library.6Th Avenue skyscrapers.Back to Emma Peel, cool car in the Avengers, everyone in the Avengers is rich – big mansions,hall of mirrors, black and white spirals.Dr Who – severe repair [13] inspiration, Boolevathers,Johnny Pitch.Podcast expo,new media and podcast expo, new media expo,getting a larger audience,resent superior attitudes,NYC podcast meetup [14],live episode, podcamp and podcamp Philly [15],Anything but Monday [16],Podcamp in Brooklyn – personal branding, branding the ONS, Time Square trying to make sense of the ONS, Time Square smells like stale cheese,”What’s my brand?”, Podcamp nyc girl- cat ears [17], identity problems, stupid branding and quality shows.42nd street musac van,San Rio Time Square [18] remodelling,Ripley’s belive it or not [19], New Time Radio [20],naming the genre,going inside the 11 building [21],the vaudvillans audio comedy, the jesters online,internet stars of 93,descriptions of Rampler shows,friends in podcasting, static radio podcast[22], using someone elses xml file,Beware of the Babylon [23], in the bathroom [ALERT pissing sounds ALERT],drunk homeless guys,munchies gourmet, naked juice[24] bare breeze,viking boat nickel from 2004,dropping the cap,juice disappointments,long line for the bus,finishing recording. Roel from the Netherlands [25] mailing list [ons dot support at joboxentertainment dot com],signing off.

You can help! Go to The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 5:30 pm filed in rampler  

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Rampler #9 (8/18/08)

The Rampler #9 (8/18/08) (1:00:17 / 55.3 MB)

Show Notes:

2:25PM 18 Aug 2008.Meaningless stuff,going through the old notes.Macaroni and cheese incident. Going back to month begining with “A”. ONS flavours – ONSUG, ONS and the Rampler.Heading south on cnr 2nd ave and 47th street on a sunny day.Citigroup cafeteria lunch with Paul from work.Laptop in Afghanistan. Barnes and Noble, Conran shop [1].Citi what? “Kool Bloo”[2],salads and wraps.Mongolian seating area. Dunkin donuts – new territory on 2nd Ave.Ordering in koolbloo – felafel and rootbeer. Mysterious gas station,friendly gas [3].MLM – ponzi scheme [4].Fall of the USSR,Albanian victims of MLM.Skirting the law with products.Tudor City Greens [5].Review-felafel roll from Koolbloo, Tahini sauce spill.Revolution 9 and Paul McCartney. Ghostbuster building and dragon creatures.Nanotech,grey goo and the nonotech apocalypse.Recycling dilemna,Neptune by holiday rambler motor home and making a movie. Illumanti inc and the evil UN building,looking for the Brazillian flag.Flickering clear sign – Ambassador grill.Willing the breeze to blow.Discussing previous ways of recording in NYC, changes in performance.Protest noise.Didn’t get to the historical topics,singing backward Beatles lyrics.

You can help! Go to The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 12:08 pm filed in rampler  

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Rampler #8 (8/18/08)

The Rampler #8 (8/18/08) (37:08 / 34.1 MB)

Show Notes:

Kooky pens[1], comments on The Rampler,movie reviews, Hellboy 2, The Dark Knight review,Heath Ledger, X-Files, Star wars – Clone wars.42nd Street strange lighting.NYC Mounted Police – crowd control, being trampled.Cold war is back,ONS episode 731 and nuclear weapons conspiracy. Protesting meat graphics on meat trucks in Time Square.Time square,the centre of the world.Voting, realisations and being duped.Bob Barr[2] the Libertarian.Drug dealing and prison.Defining Libertarianism.Chase and the Octagon building.Brazil photos, speaking Portuguese, Cool flag.South America, can Spanish speakers understand Portuguese? Trying to get votes.Differing with Libertarian philosophy, corrections and crimes in banking.Moneymasters[3].Correcting the past for a more just distribution of wealth.Ron Paul [4].Pushing elitism and crap.The end result of Communism. At the in-laws, Jack and Nathan – fresh eyes, playing with toy cars.Genius for creation,exhibiting omnipotent behaviour, spinning wheels and building machines.Disagreeing with you,and coexisting.Blue jeans on Lexington Avenue.Art Deco design and the Chrysler building. Kohl’s [5].Pronunctiation of Japanese words.”Urban Up” 20 different kinds of jeans.Relaxed and straight 38/32.

You can help! Go to The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 6:40 am filed in rampler  

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Rampler #7 (8/15/08)

The Rampler #7 (8/15/08) (34:15 / 31.4 MB)

Show Notes:
Frank walks around Midtown Manhattan talking about a wide variety of topics.
in the rain…

You can help! Go to The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 4:55 pm filed in rampler  

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Rampler #6 (8/15/08)

The Rampler #6 (8/15/08) (26:23 / 24.2 MB)

Show Notes:

Finishing his lunch, Frank resumes recording. Discusses the use of helicopters as transit, ponders what it would take to bring the craft into more common use. Commuting, transportation and the tram. Has cigar to smoke, after all. Launches into a lengthy critiquer of the latter Star Wars era, especially pointing at Jar Jar Binks as emblematic to the issue. Finishes show by suggesting that, since he wasn’t going to do show notes for Rampler episodes, doing a wiki where listeners might.

You can help! Go to The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 4:53 pm filed in rampler  

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Rampler #5 (8/15/08)

The Rampler #5 (8/15/08) (27:23 / 25.2 MB)

Show Notes:

A lunchbreak episode. Frank has registered the domain name and finally seems settled that this will be the name of these programs. Mentions Walter Becker’s new solo lp. Doesn’t like Circus Money at all. Elite Foodbar is considered. Steely Dan talk for the uninformed. Crazy woman, who is behaving more normal than usual. Deli sounds. Sees a white guy and an Asian girl making out that initially look like mannequins. Sounds like ‘Slingblade’ when he says ‘doggys’. Describes and takes over spot by East River for lunch, reviews Aloe Vera King drink and stops to eat.

You can help! Go to The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 4:51 pm filed in rampler  

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Rampler #4 (8/15/08)

The Rampler #4 (8/15/08) (37:41 / 34.6 MB)

Show Notes:

Beta 4 begins at the Port Authority and Frank launches with a review of the previous experiments and re-reviews the overall Rampler Concept. <missed some in here> Discusses Robert Moog’s name and the ‘moooooog/moag’ pronounciation. Talks about how 2005 was the ‘Year of the Podcast’, bemoans that despite his true pioneerdom and dilligence he has never fit into the clique of ‘popular podcasters’. Another reason for the Rampler is that he may be spending too much home/quality family time with the podcast instead of the Mrs. How Rampler will let him riff and cover topics that wind up unused on The Overnightscape.

You can help! Go to The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 1:56 pm filed in rampler  

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Rampler #3 (8/14/08)

The Rampler #3 (8/14/08) (41:56 / 38.5 MB)

Show Notes:

Our Man, Nora, continues to settle into the looser format. He reviews the two previous ‘test’ shows as he wanders through a post-thunderstorm Times Square. He announces the decision to name this series ‘The Rampler’ with lengthy exposition on the thought process, coincidences that led to this decision. Decides 20-90 is the ideal new setting. Has put an old, ‘retro’ logo on the Overnightscape site. A crazy hassidic says ‘Leaves Without Aphids(?)’. Frank uses his cigar holder to visit Sam Ash and play synthesizors and the Hershey Store. He, as he often ponders, wonders if he should just do one program and call it all The Overnightscape. Motor Excursion Ruffians.

You can help! Go to The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 1:53 pm filed in rampler  

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Rampler #2 (8/14/08)

The Rampler #2 (8/14/08) (11:32 / 10.7 MB)

Show Notes:

Much like the first episode, this is primordial, preperatory verbal goo, a continued ‘warm up’ for the actual upcoming series. Basically, this is Frank, searching for that Rampler Groove.

You can help! Go to The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 1:51 pm filed in rampler  

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Rampler #1 (8/14/08)

The Rampler #1 (8/14/08) (18:15 / 16.8 MB)

Show Notes:

Testing audio, Beta version for this new project, Overnightscape raw feed, streamlined version of the overnightscape with no descriptions and no post-production, getting to a lot of topics, making it easier to release shows, test of the system, Burritoville, name of this project, Overnightscape Raw Feed, Overnightscape Feed, Do one thing and do it well, getting stuff in the overnightscape underground, getting new stuff out there, minimal descriptions. Overnightscape stripped. This episode is pretty much Frank planning and plotting this ‘stripped down’ version of Overnightscape, testing and describing his equipment and methods.

You can help! Go to The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 1:42 pm filed in rampler  
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