The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Rampler #42 (9/9/08)

The Rampler #42 (9/9/08) (36:17 / 33.3 MB)

Show Notes:

10:04 am, big ben chime, Hellboy II ad, talking to Andy Kaufman and others on twitter, Sega Dreamcast system 9th year anniversary, big cricket noise, hole in the ground, number 11 skyscraper, dreamcast—last embraced game counsel, MAC to PC switch at home, old school gaming, pong, “the lobby is free”, threat of rain, pong sliders, Atari 2600, Colecovision, crash of ’83, classic Nintendo in ’84, super Nintendo, genesis, N64, Dreamcast, Playstation II, cops on horses, humid weather, stink of fake news building—43rd and 7th ave, Canada trip, walking around Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, fake court fundraiser, 7th anniversary of 9/11, Truth people, investigating lights, government’s version of 9/11—good guys v. bad guys, Bible crusade, tear in black plastic, stairs in the middle of Time Square, gridlock, comfort of official story (9/11), insane to believe, explosives involved—not planes, loose change, commercial break music, groups of rich people, illuminati, ancient knowledge, advanced civilization 10k years ago, preserved information, view us as savages, obsessed with lineage, one power expressed through banking, responsible for 9/11, GWB middle manager, Nintendo World, angry mob violence, keep people mesmerized, justify mideast invasion, 9/11 scaled down plan, localized damage, trade center mall, krispy crème doughnuts, drunk driver casualties per year, obsessing over victims, Natalie Holloway, news coverage, bashing noises, feel sorry for believers, zero chance that official story true, scam, established fact—it was the illuminati, fires making buildings collapse, Sarah Palin, favorite video game experience—Metropolis Street Racer, Project Gotham racing, “get a job”, burning discs of deamcast games, unaware of plotting by illuminati, running to get out of the rain, goodbye

You can help! Go to this episode’s page on The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 8:26 am filed in rampler  

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Rampler #41 (9/8/08)

The Rampler #41 (9/8/08) (43:13 / 39.6 MB)

Show Notes:

Shirt problem, Nabisco Nilla Cakesters, etc.

You can help! Go to this episode’s page on The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 6:18 pm filed in rampler  

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Rampler #40 (9/8/08)

The Rampler #40 (9/8/08) (31:45 / 29.2 MB)

Show Notes:

reading Andy Kaufman’s “Rampler Disaster”

You can help! Go to this episode’s page on The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 9:06 am filed in rampler  

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Rampler #39 (9/6/08)

The Rampler #39 (9/6/08) (1:38:20 / 90.1 MB)

Show Notes:

on the porch, tropical storm, fall TV preview, smoking a pipe, gettin drunk on Lagavulin

You can help! Go to this episode’s page on The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 5:17 pm filed in rampler  

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Rampler #38 (9/5/08)

The Rampler #38 (9/5/08) (53:58 / 49.5 MB)

Show Notes:

I drink Hello Kitty Drink I try this Japanese candy called Bourbon New Crushlumonde Chocolate

You can help! Go to this episode’s page on The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 6:04 pm filed in rampler  

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Rampler #37 (9/5/08)

The Rampler #37 (9/5/08) (41:31 / 38.1 MB)

Show Notes:

Bagel day, belt tightening, at port authority bus terminal, BRH Construction Corp logo, impending economic meltdown, predictions of doom, Sarah Palin, sounds of cement mixers, free news paper, 11, epic times, Mumar Kadafi, Condi Rice, tropical storm Hannah, loud bus, Ripley’s believe it or not, Miley Cyrus wax figurine, Bound Brook, NJ, 1 cent movie theatres, Brook theatre, Time Square, flood, Red Cross warning for Bound Brook, fixing Hard Rock Café sign, rainy day, Hannah Montana, Bible handouts, beggars, “I am my own charity,” High School Musical, pop culture of today, Toys R Us, inside Ferris wheel, evil programming of children, Monarch slaves, Luciferian influences, Christianity in Korea, search for garbage can, Oxsu Park, evil exploitation, brain washing techniques, God, “we are like robotic puppet bodies,” wearing down the mind, hypnosis, programming, enslavement, talking to God, structure of the universe, Heaven and Hell, Andy Kaufmann, brilliant, skeptical about whether he lives, pathological liars, P.O. box, no chink in the armor, amazed at level of commitment, Twitter, hiding in plain sight, electromagnetic fields in NYC, becoming The Andy Kauffman, motivations: Artistic, pathological liar, identity crises, government psyops, conspiracies to occupy those coming close to the truth, must get Andy out–or–the real Andy Kauffman, tiny dogs, Andy Kauffman percentage: 16%, no malice or insanity, Dating Game, David Letterman, “sorry, still not a fan,” magic, Twitter mundanity, happy, porch, 1972, William Kauffman Org, “The world is a magical place…don’t you forget it.”

You can help! Go to this episode’s page on The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 9:52 am filed in rampler  

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Rampler #36 (9/4/08)

The Rampler #36 (9/4/08) (1:53:26 / 103 MB)

Show Notes:
Frank walks around Midtown Manhattan talking about a wide variety of topics.

You can help! Go to this episode’s page on The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 6:08 pm filed in rampler  

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Rampler #35 (9/4/08)

The Rampler #35 (9/4/08) (52:38 / 48.3 MB)

Show Notes:

The Rampler #35 (9/4/08) (52:38 / 48.3 MB) Port authority bus terminal, Zarros bread basket, plotting breakfast strategy, stoic two, restroom recording policy, wacko repellent, Madame Alexander dolls, black American dolls, clocks for faces, antebellum superhero video game, 3 quarter scale statues, 45 min on bus, nick names for bus passengers, similar man, stern girl, running low on batteries, hassled at Dwaine reed, Thai magazine wouldn’t scan, unmotivated Dwaine reed employees, stoic man, bud light truck, CVS, patience, Beatles songs, time travel, Andy Kaufman, scientology handouts, hello kitty store closed for renovation, songs bouncing around in head, Lloyd Benson, Dan Quail, “your no Jack Kennedy”, stoic man, two seats up from the back, puma bag “help the homeless”, battery problems, time, sun in the face, middle weirdoes, personal space invasion, CNN Politics, “please help the hungry, help the homeless”, shipments at the body shop, back of the bus rule violators, bus as chess board, space invasions, propositions on the bus, dangerous people from dream, dropped recorder on sidewalk, random guests on show, filthy habit guy, trouble maker, temporary mail boxes, variety café, Rockefeller Center, NBC balls, Today show, NFL handout, new logo, Dean and Duluca, Jamie Runaway, Taxi, $13.01, SNL—search for Andy Kaufman imagery, Mohinder synchronicity, “watch out buddy”, chocolate croissant to go, dodge ball, short bus, problems at school, zombie worker slaves, water compressor, special Olympics medalists, tournament of champions, Stoic man forces Frank to get sun in his eyes, Stoic 2, “can’t handle the bus”, $400 recorder, netbook computer, wi-fi, Dell Inspiron 9 official release, number 9, “turn me on dead man”, Billy Campel, Send on Overnightcase, AK faked his death, fractal nature of time, FedEx Kinkos, goodbye.

You can help! Go to this episode’s page on The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 6:57 am filed in rampler  

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Rampler #34 (9/3/08)

The Rampler #34 (9/3/08) (1:21:21 / 74.5 MB)

Show Notes:

falafel ball, cigars, Beard Papa, Women in Black, bitter memories

You can help! Go to this episode’s page on The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 4:40 pm filed in rampler  

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Rampler #33 (9/3/08)

The Rampler #33 (9/3/08) (45:17 / 41.6 MB)

Show Notes:

cults, health food, gas, time travel, monkeywrenches, The Beatles

You can help! Go to this episode’s page on The Rampler Show Notes Wiki and write some show notes for this episode. They can be as brief or detailed as you like. Always feel free to add more details or make corrections to what’s already there. Thanks!!

Join host Frank Edward Nora his daily commute, walking through the streets of NYC, as he discusses a dizzying myriad of topics. This show is an experimental “spinoff” of Frank’s main show, The Overnightscape (which continues on as normal). The show is recorded directly as a 128kbps MP3 file on an Edirol R-09 portable recorder. This makes it much easier to release the recordings, since no post-production is required. Also, at least to start with, the shows will be released without show notes to further speed up the release process.

“The Rampler” is released here on The Overnightscape Underground, but it exists outside the standard “Day” format – again, to make it easier to very quickly record and release.

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora, more info at

posted by Frank at 11:08 am filed in rampler  
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