The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hey Everybody, it’s Jimbo! – Special: Frank Answers Some Questions – 032 (7/19/15)

ons1050j_144 (44:41) Hey everybody, it’s Jimbo – except, I asked Frank a bunch of questions and he graciously took the time to answer them for me on audio. So, what we really have here, is Frank and Frank only.

+ What are the ‘unwritten rules’ for bus riders? + What’s worse to deal with in NYC: really stinky people or people who you perceive as possibly being violent and why? + What’s the best thing about NYC? + What’s the worst thing about NYC? + You are 10 years old again (1977) and you have $5 to spend. What do you buy? + When you were a kid, which particular place or activity was the most fun? + When did you first fall in love with malls and which mall was your first? What was it about malls that held your attention and also led you to ‘dream’ about malls so much? + What famous person do you admire the most and why? + What particular episode of the Overnightscape are you the most proud of, or which episode do you think should be listened to? + What’s the strangest experience you’ve ever had? + What conspiracy theory are you sure is 100% accurate? + All the Onsug Underground hosts are in one room. You walk in. Looking into each host’s eyes, you realize they all share something in common, other than Onsug. What is it? + How many big dreams and ideas do you ponder for Onsug that we never hear about? + Of all of the things in your life that you have accomplished, which one makes you the most proud? + What is your view of the “Illuminati” Card game put out in the 1990’s and their odd prophetic images?

License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License ( Attribution: by Jimbo – more info at

Thanks forever to Frank Edward Nora.

posted by Jimbo at 6:17 am filed in Frank,Jimbo,Jul15  


  1. Good stuff and lotsa fun insider material!! I find our modern concept of personal space in public places interesting when watching old films of NYC from the early 20th century where, it sure looks like people were like sardines….

    Comment by pqribber — July 19, 2015 @ 8:47 am

  2. Great questions as well as answers! Very intriguing. 🙂

    Comment by Shambles Constant — July 23, 2015 @ 9:55 am

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