The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Overnightscape Central – Animals, Vegetables & Minerals (8/10/24)

2:52:10 – Dave in Kentucky is joined by Eddie Murray (at 42:13), Chad Bowers (at 1:16:36) and Frank Edward Nora (at 1:51:12) for a Twenty-Questionish discussion that is by turns monological and dialogical. This show is definitely bigger than your average breadbox! Synchronicities abound, including one involving Chuck Mangione’s “Feels So Good” that went unnoticed and unremarked-upon during recording.

Next month’s topics: “Heart on your Sleeve,” “Head up your Ass” & “Tongue in your Cheek”. Record about one, two or all three of these and send audio files or links to DaveKY at by the deadline: 6pm Central Time on September 10, 2024.

Show art: “The Noordermarkt by Night” (1840) by Petrus van Schendel (1806-1870) depicting “night people” typical of the Overnightscape Underground.

Opening theme: “It’s Central Time Again” (2024) by Dave in Kentucky and (v3.5). Closing theme: “Noise Rebellion” (2024) by Eddie Murray and (v3).

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license. Attribution: by Dave in Kentucky & Guests.

posted by Dave at 3:11 pm filed in Aug24,Chad,Dave,Eddie,Frank,OvernightscapeCentral,ramplers  

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