The Overnightscape Underground

your late night radio trip

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

ROAR-2010-10-06 – Episode 100 – ROAR Party.

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ROAR-2010-10-06 – Episode 100 – ROAR Party

This time on the ROAR:
Greetings from:  Frank Nora in New Jersey, Hope and Jack in Nottingham, England, Renata in Brooklyn, New York, Trucker Bob in Portland, Oregon, John and Pauline of St. John’s, Keith Brough of Chickapee, Massechusetts, Anne from Philly,
opening remarks from Jim, many thanks to everybody…
the show from Erin’s pub, MCed by Toby MacDonald, music/chat from Hugh Scott and John Barela, chat and music from Arthur O’Brien and Freddie Jorgenson, music from Jim Fidler, music and chat from Michael Hanrahan, music from Jackie Sullivan, music and chat from Terri Lynn Eddy and Renee Batten, chats with:  Toby MacDonald, Jim Joyce, Sandy, Maitlin, Tara, Tanya and Charlie, Rod and Jennifer, an appearance by Jim and Lillian, Jim on the beat (beer) box, music by Dave Panting and many many greetings from listeners far and wide.

Music this time:
Our theme, Genesis by Jim Fidler,
The Schooner Effie H. by Gordon Quinton
and a whole heap of songs and tunes by all the above mentioned artists.

Best listened to on headphones.  -  100 ROARs and goin’ for more!

posted by Jim at 5:06 pm filed in Jim,Nov10  

Friday, October 22, 2010

ROAR-2010-09-29 – Episode 99 – Neun Und Neunzig ROAR Balloons

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This time on the ROAR:
Announcing the contest winner, opening remarks from Jim, episode 100, episode 101, the Republic Of Avalon Radio Iphone app, the Oceans Wide story, a shout-out to Michael Meekins, Walk-about with Jim and Lillian where they talk about music and tings and tings.

Music this time:
Our theme, Genesis, by Jim Fidler
Oceans Wide by Jackie Sullivan

Best listened to on headphones.  -  One more balloon to go.

posted by Jim at 7:09 pm filed in Jim,Oct10  

Monday, October 18, 2010

ROAR-2010-09-27 – Episode 98 – Come Back Wit Me Doll!

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This time on the ROAR:
Opening remarks by Jim, show 100 at Erin’s pub, thanks to Ralph and crew, final musical line-up for show 100:  Arthur O’Brien, Freddie Jorgensen, Terri Lynn Eddy, Renee Batten, John Barella, Hugh Scott, Gordon Quinton, Jackie Sullivan, Dave Panting and Jim Fidler, thanks to Molson’s, announcing the MC, Toby MacDonald, a call for 100th episode shout-outs, last last call for the contest, Walk-about with Jim and Lillian, some silly smelly stuff talk, making soap, ingredients with strange names, people with strange names, jojoba, the aftermath of Igor, hurricane Lilli, German girlie names, the people on the bus go up and down, the teddy from hell, the Dinker, we all dress like eeeegits, common assumptions, Jim’s an ubergeek, taking crap from people, Jim’s impersonations, Mel Blanc, a shout-out to Dave in Calgary, Rod and Jennifer in CBS, the up-coming 100th Episode and more monkies than you can shake a snake at.

Music this time:
Our theme, Genesis, and the Wild Wild West Bank by Jim Fidler

Best listened to on headphones.  -  Try pinching someone else to see if they’re real.

posted by Jim at 6:39 pm filed in Jim,Oct10  

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ROAR-2010-09-22 – Episode 97 – The Wind In The Windows

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This time on the ROAR:
Opening remarks from Jim, greetings to listeners, the up-coming 100th ROAR celebration on Thursday, September 30 at Erin’s pub featuring Terri Lynn Eddy, Renee Batten, John Barella, Hugh Scott, Arthur O’Brien, Freddie Jorgenson, Dave Panting, Jim Fidler and more, hurricane Igor, some insight on making the ROAR, the Republic Of Avalon Radio Iphone app, interview with Ross Traverse,, Lillian with an Accent, the hurricane, Jim and Lillian during the storm, wind, rain, more wind and rain, closing remarks from Jim and Lillian and enough stuff ta mek ya giddy deh.

Music this time:
Our theme, Genesis, Home Comes The Rover, All I Really Wanted, Merrigan’s Reel, Flow On Waterford River, Lillian (A Portrait In Sound) and The Merman by Jim Fidler

Best listened to on headphones.  -  Hang on to your hats!!!

posted by Jim at 6:27 pm filed in Jim,Oct10  

Monday, October 4, 2010

ROAR For Frank

posted by Jim at 8:28 pm filed in Jim,Oct10  

Sunday, October 3, 2010

ROAR-2010-09-19 – Episode 96 – Festivale 2

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ROAR-2010-09-19 – Episode 96 – Festivale 2

This time on the ROAR:

Opening remarks from Jim, the Republic Of Avalon Radio Iphone app, the up-coming 100th episode celebration at Erin’s pub on Thursday, September 30, Walk-about with Jim and Lillian, the post festival bash, talking through your hat, on the cuff, off the fly, the new multi-track recording app for the Ipod Touch, don’t be hatin’ on the Iphone/Ipod Touch…, Mac VS Windows VS Linux, Orb Live, Itunes sucks!, the Ipod Touch rocks!, Skype, accessibility out of the box, shout-outs to Rod, Dave, Michel and Carole, giving credit where credit is due, running into Arnold and Nancy Bennett, /, summer winding down, optimism VS pessamism, knowledge/understanding/wisdom, glass half empty, glass half full, more about Arnold and Nancy, Messiah From Montreal, Jim as Messiah, Jim as Leonard Cohen’s musical director, chats with Danette Eddy, Julie Roberge and Robert Monette from the French Cultural Network, Don and Tom Shorock, Arthur O’Brien of the Navigators and a whole bunch of other unwhitting folks in the background.

Music this time:
Our theme, Genesis and Psychedelic Bingy Experiment Number 7 by Jim Fidler

Best listened to on headphones.  -  Cross-country skiing is great if you live in a very small country.

posted by Jim at 6:49 pm filed in Jim,Oct10  

Sunday, October 3, 2010

ROAR-2010-09-09 – Episode 95 – Festivale 1

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ROAR-2010-09-09 – Episode 95 – Festivale 1

This time on the ROAR:
Greetings from Peter Quinlon, Justice Ploughman, Mary Ploughman and Shawn Fulford,
opening remarks from Jim, doing what you love to do, making a difference, you give your more to receive your less, the mountain of pebbles, the St. John’s Folk Festival, the French Cultural Network of Newfoundland and Labrador, shout-outs to Julie, Xavier and Robert, the post festival bash, the shout-out contest update, the Republic Of Avalon Radio group on Facebook, episode 100 celebration update, the new Republic Of Avalon Radio Iphone app, big thanks to Michael Meekins, drive-about with Jim and Lillian, off to the festival, listening back to previous ROAR episodes, the interview with Eric Bogle and John Monroe, trying to park at the park, queuing up, signing in, getting up and signing out.

Music this time:
Our theme, Genesis, Carlos Gets A New Hat, Farewell To Erin, Amega Madness, Rising Of The Moon (Live), Livin’ (Live), Rhythm Of The Goat (Live) and Downtown Girl (Live) by Jim Fidler

Best listened to on headphones.  -  Yabba dabba doozie!

posted by Jim at 6:47 pm filed in Jim,Oct10  

Sunday, September 26, 2010

ROAR-2010-09-01 – Episode 94 – Matrix Entropy

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ROAR-2010-09-01 – Episode 94 – Matrix Entropy

This time on the ROAR:
Greetings from Kevin in Alabama, Michael in South Carolina and Wayne of Sparetime Radio on Long Island, opening remarks from Jim, the up-coming episode 100 celebrations, the old TrippleU thang, what the heck is “foward”?, what the heck is “fustrated”?, matrix entropy, the ROAR Iphone app, the N word, “understand Newfoundland”, walk-about with Jim and Lillian, greetings to the whole widely world, a bit of German, a bit of French, old Pirates, or should we say young Pirates, banging into the branch, Larry Skutchan and his snippers, the AtBat 2010 Iphone app, needling Toronto Mapleleafs fans, Lillian’s blooper, the festival, meeting people who don’t show up, who wants to be a “real Newfie” anyway?, rubber boots, German accordians, bologna from Toronto, kissing the cod, humiliating the CFA’s, screech-ins, the false George Street culture, more about the John Cabot myth, more matrix entropy, the “what the thing is is that” thing, are we observing the matrix or are we part of it?, sufferation, the end of the kvetching, people visiting Newfoundland only to subsequently move here, Arnold and Nancy Bennett, Jim’s performance at the festival, the King and Queen of Water Street, “more to come, Richler” and lots of tings like dat deh.

Music this time:
Our theme, Genesis, Merrigan’s Reel, Home Comes The Rover, I Still Remember and Song For Newfoundland by Jim Fidler

Best listened to on headphones.  -  Take an enemy to lunch and make him pay.

posted by Jim at 4:50 pm filed in Jim,Sep10  

Thursday, September 9, 2010

ROAR-2010-08-12 – Episode 93 – Marching Onward

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ROAR-2010-08-12 – Episode 93 – Marching Onward

This time on the ROAR:
Walkabout with Jim and Lillian, the Centrios Soundbag, the ROAR parade, the coming ROAR Iphone app, another perfect night in the Republic, the festival, a possible ROAR vidcast to come, Stone Edge, selling off all those pesky CD’s, contest submissions are coming in, the ROAR corp, how pricey is Cafe Press?, what do you all think about ROAR mugs?, the photographic memory joke, the baby shower joke, the ROAR corp is more, stats, the nightish nature of the ROAR, the sun rising up out of the ocean, the image for the Iphone app, shout-outs to Michael Meekins, Rod, Kevin Doucet, Kevin Brough, passing Richard Mixer, another busker, running into and having a brief chat with Bob O’Brien and Sheila Brake, the origin of the name Pressure Drop, a shout-out to Jack and Hope, yet another busker and tings like that there.

Music this time:
Our theme, Genesis, by Jim Fidler.

Best listened to on headphones.  -  Hey, this life thing ain’t so bad after all.

posted by Jim at 5:11 am filed in Jim,Sep10  

Thursday, September 2, 2010

ROAR-2010-08-08 – Episode 92 – On The Cuff Off The Fly

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ROAR-2010-08-08 – Episode 92 – On The Cuff Off The Fly

This time on the ROAR:
Walkabout with Jim and Lillian, Kate Bush, old movies, Jim muttering to the folks, the evening nap drug, the Zoom H1, on the cuff, off the fly, cuff links, Ringo or Ring Go, Vicki Davis was right, official acknowledgement of being in the channel, Jim and Frank, what is the present, being yourself VS obscure branding, the Panicin’ Mannaquins, the Online Country Combo Boxes, making a name for yourself, state of mind, kopf staedtle, the lone wolf community, Lillian telling people to go and buy Jim’s music, into the madding crowd, location location location, don’t start a railway in the middle of the ocean, Bozo under the sea, the crazy painter guy on Sesame Street, the sound and smell deja vu trigger, OTR, ABN, the 5/55 phenomena, tek your meat out me rice, Barbados and Newfoundland, give peas a chance and rice too, stats and a call for contest shout-out submissions and a whole heap a ting.

Music this time:
Our theme, Genesis, by Jim Fidler.

Best listened to on headphones.  -  Tek your meat out me rice!

posted by Jim at 6:57 am filed in Jim,Sep10  
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